A bvacation/b Krusne Mountains in West Bohemia and the Jeseniky Mountains (www.jesenik.org) in North Moravia combine sport and relaxation. Both of these regions have numerous hot springs as well as downhill ski slopes and cross-country skiing trails. Some of the best known resorts for ... The Beskydy Mountains (www.beskydy.com, www.beskydy-valassko.cz) feature more than 100 km of cross country trails, including the 52 km Lysohorska route and the 29 km trail around bPustevny/b. ...
A "vacation within our vacation" on the Adriatic Sea, enjoying the picturesque village, the red tile roofs, Venetian bell towers, the fishing harbor, the beach and the sun! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next ...